Things you Should know...
FIRST! If there is a broken link anywhere on this page, please e-mail it to me and I will fix it immediately! I don't bite and I will be very nice in replying back! SECOND! I will warn you if it's not a Sailor Moon/Senshi Site! THIRD! I dunno! This will be expanded upon very soon! yea! If I don't have a link here, check the bottoms of some the the pages of this and NewBeginnings sites. I have (and will have) webring and banners at the bottoms to some more sites I found interesting. Yea!

I hope you like the links I put here! I really needed a new links page because my old one just filled up too quickly. If you don't see something here, click on the picture above which will take to you my other site. There, you can find another page of links! Recently, I solved the problem of too little space. Click this link to see my new project. Contribute to it. From this moment forward, iut shall be known as "Big Page of Links."
Some of MY Links
NewBeginnings: a Sailor Senshi Site
Back to the basics of Sailor Moon and should entertain you enough as I work on THIS site!
One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
Karl's Unnecessarily Long Sailor Moon Link List v2.11
The title explains it all. My link is on here too! see if you can find it! =^.^= I believe seriously that this page has every sailor moon website on it.
Some MORE of My Links
The Many Faces of Sailor Moon -- A Gallery of Funny Pictures
This site protrayes all the classic blunders and from the series and movies. If there were such thing as Sailor Moon Bloopers, this is it. These pictures show all the characters in less than flattering pictures. No one escapes the sattire!
Sailor Moon Online Paradise
This site is great. it has, what happened on this day (on SM), online desktop theme kits, and a ton of other things! I highly recommend this site!
The Gallery!
Gorgeous site with WAY too many pictures. When they say "the gallery" they mean "the gallery!" It's all Sailor Moon and also thumbnails for easy loading!
Real Life Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon does live! This is a site wholly dedicated to conventions and halloween costumes of people dressing up as Sailor Moon and friends. Check out the artist's redition of what Sailor Moon would really look like in real life! (It's so cool)
Bunny's Tour Through the Silver Millennium
A huge site with a ton of anime and manga related stuff about both Sailor Moon and the comics Codename: Sailor V (a sort of ancestor or offspring of Sailor Moon, I don't remember with but I think it's the ancestor one). This peron also does her own art work. Check it out even if it does take you a few days or weeks =^.^=. I got a few of the pictures on the graphics page from here, including the "hard day for artemis."
Supreme Thunder
Site filled with tons and tons of Sailor moon pictures! Takes a little while to load so be a bit pacient!
Sun and Shadows ::: Splash Page!
A site where it's main attation is it's gallery (all of which are beautiful), this is quite worth checking out! If you are looking for manga pictures, come here and you find some of the colored and black/white versions. (this link takes you to the lead in main page, not directly to the galleries!) That You Can't Leave Behind
Thie site has some absolutely BEAUTIFUL manga pictures from the comics, along with some descriptions for the characters. Definitly check it out. Hey! She even has a Powerpuff Girls Graphics Page!!!!
FanFiction.Net: unleash your imagination and free your soul
A great site with fan fiction from EVERY type of anime and series. Also has some from books and tv. I have posted my OWN fan fict on this page (my site is too small for it) under the pen name of "Azimel." (type that name in the search to find my story)